Ours doesn't have the "diamond" (ours is small...only about 1.25" x 1.5")
Funny story about our lighter...we found it at an antique show just a few days after Frank passed . I'm not positive of the exact dollar amounts anymore, but I think the lighter was marked $135. My husband offered (I think) $35...which surprised me, because it was so much lower than the price marked! After a bit of negotiating, I think he paid $60 or $70. After we got to the car I said I was surprised that the seller was willing to come down that far. He told me to take a closer look at the tag...the "1" was a different color ink than the "$ 35"! Apparently the seller had the lighter marked $35, and added the "1" when Frank died! So she came down in price, but still got double what she'd been asking a week earlier...
I think that was a win-win!