It was definitely another CSULB, Chips Showed Up at Long Beach, Sunday. Did the walk backwards to make up for the rainstorm that chased us all out last month. By backwards, I mean - visited the furthest aisles first. I wasn't actually walking backwards. That would have been waaaayy too much excitement. Many more chips out there but some vendors attached steep prices to them - asking $5 and $10 for common chips now.
Some tokens to be found, too. You may spot some items not yet on the ChipGuide - think there are ten new finds, counting different colors. The black clover chips came from the Temecula Creek Golf Course, all the rest from the flea market.
It grew HOT at the swap meet so I actually left an hour or so early. Next time I'll wear my Madera Swap Meet Flea Market Non-Pizza Straw Hat.