check back later and I'll show scans of the chips I've received for the contest
I thought it was a so-so episode last night. As I said last week, I'm not a fan of players voted out, having a chance to get back in the game.
The best part of Survivor is tribal council and the Vote....also, not a fan of combining reward and immunity.
My big question is why would you go on Survivor if you cant swim?
The bigger question is why put someone on Survivor who can't swim?
bad move by the casting director.
Keith seems like a nice kid but shouldn't even be on Survivor..totally helpless in the water and his ring toss was pathetic. But his loyalty to Chris could be a big plus for should Chris have tried to steer the vote to Wendy? When they lose the next IC, Wendy will probably be the next to go. Keith totally shocked by the vote? Wow, wow, wow...and 6 days into the game, you have to think about the choice to stay in the game? I'm a religious person but I dont think God cares how people do in reality TV shows.
as far as Julie... "How does someone even look for an idol?" are you kidding me? have you ever watched a Survivor episode? thats a "wow"
Lets hope the show gets better
1.00 Contest
Walter Dirzulaitis ...............Rick Devens
Ron Bayne.......................David Wright
Walter Dirzulaitis ...............Kelley Wentworth
Brian Beasley...................Julie Rosenberg
Hotrod Myers...................Gavin Whitson
Keith Gabor......................Reem Daly....1st voted off, no social game play
Robert Likes.....................Keith Sowell.....2nd voted off, couldnt swim...why even come on Survivor?
Bob Hiestand....................Dan DaSilva
Dennis Berry.....................Aubry Bracco
Dennis Berry.....................Wendy Diaz
Bill Purcell........................Joe Anglim
Virgil Foss.........................Chris Underwood
Steve Gobel......................Eric Hafemann
Richard Meyer...................Lauren O'Connell
Roger Herman...................Aurora McCreary
Alan Borenstein................Julia Carter
Ricky Pushkin....................Victoria Baamonde
James Stroud.....................Ron Clark
5.00 Contest
Bill Purcell.......................Chris Underwood
Alan Borenstein...............Wendy Diaz
Keith Gabor.....................Joe Anglim
Dennis Berry....................Lauren O'Connell
Robert Likes....................Aubry Bracco
Bob Hiestand..................Dan DaSilva
Walter Dirzulaitis ..............Kelley Wentworth
Ricky Pushkin.................Rick Devens
Hotrod Myers.................Keith Sowell.....2nd voted off, couldnt swim...why even come on Survivor?
Bill Purcell.....................Victoria Baamonde
Ricky Pushkin.................Eric Hafemann
James Stroud..................Ron Clark
Steve Gobel....................David Wright
Walter Dirzulaitis ...............Reem Daly....1st voted off, no social game play
Dennis Berry...................Julia Carter
Ricky Pushkin..................Julie Rosenberg
Brian Beasley..................Aurora McCreary
Bill Purcell......................Gavin Whitson