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The Chip Board Archive 25

Survivor Update

not a fan of players that are voted off, having a chance to get back in the game. We'll see how it plays out. I cant understand how people, knowing there going to be on Survivor, coming in unprepared.
You would think Keith would have learned how to swim. I do give him credit for not wanting any part of that one way conversation with Reem and Dan. Reem telling Dan how she wants Kelley out right away and not listening to a word Dan has to say.

Kelley and Lauren forming alliance right away. I wonder, off camera, who else was brought in? Probably David (can you put down that machete) Wright and Dan "wardog" DaSilva. David would be wise to use him as a shield. Poor Wendy, not a smart player, even when Dan lets her know the Vote is going to be Reem, she says she doesnt want to go along..and then sticks up for her at TC...when Joe's tribe wins the next IC, with Aubrys help,, shes gone with Keith soon to follow.

Why do some of these people come to Survivor? Julie, who hates the outdoors, but once peed in the bushes in Cental Park, wont last long. I do like Lauren and if I had to pick one of the returning players to get to the final episode, I pick David Wright. but of course when Joe gets voted out, he's not really gone. What do you think?

1.00 Contest
Walter Dirulitis ...............Rick Devens
Ron Bayne.......................David Wright
Walter Dirulitis ...............Kelley Wentworth
Brian Beasley...................Julie Rosenberg
Hotrod Myers...................Gavin Whitson
Keith Gabor......................Reem Daly....1st voted off, no social game play

Robert Likes.....................Keith Sowell
Bob Hiestand....................Dan DaSilva
Dennis Berry.....................Aubry Bracco
Dennis Berry.....................Wendy Diaz
Bill Purcell........................Joe Anglim
Virgil Foss.........................Chris Underwood
Steve Gobel......................Eric Hafemann
Richard Meyer...................Lauren O'Connell
Roger Herman...................Aurora McCreary
Alan Borenstein................Julia Carter
Ricky Pushkin....................Victoria Baamonde
James Stroud.....................Ron Clark

5.00 Contest
Bill Purcell.......................Chris Underwood
Alan Borenstein...............Wendy Diaz
Keith Gabor.....................Joe Anglim
Dennis Berry....................Lauren O'Connell
Robert Likes....................Aubry Bracco
Bob Hiestand..................Dan DaSilva
Walter Dirulitis ..............Kelley Wentworth
Ricky Pushkin.................Rick Devens
Hotrod Myers.................Keith Sowell
Bill Purcell.....................Victoria Baamonde
Ricky Pushkin.................Eric Hafemann
James Stroud..................Ron Clark
Steve Gobel....................David Wright
Walter Dirulitis...............Reem Daly....1st voted off, no social game play
Dennis Berry...................Julia Carter
Ricky Pushkin..................Julie Rosenberg
Brian Beasley..................Aurora McCreary
Bill Purcell......................Gavin Whitson

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Survivor Update
received chips today from..
..sorry for the mis-spelling
I feel a bit "Reemed" grin but the game goes on...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg