My Valentine's Day Sale exceeded my expectations and I thank everyone who acquired chips for their Collections from the Sale.
There are several reasons I enjoy running these Mega Sales.
1. I get to meet New Collectors - who I hopefully will help enjoy the Chip Collecting Hobby for years to come.
2. I get to give some of my old Chip Buddies a few "Bargains".
3. I get to move chips that I have extras of or don't collect on to other collectors to fill holes in their collections.
4. I get to generate some Cash to purchase chips I really "Love" for my own Collection.
Shown below for your viewing pleasure are some chips I really "Love" and take pride in having in my own Collection.
Large Crown chips are some of my favorites - especially the Manufacturer's samples.
I don't "Love" Small Crown chips as much as I do my Large Crowns but they make nice "companion" pieces to enhance my collection.
I feel that my Mega Sales are a "win - win" for everyone involved.
Take care,
Jerry "I Love a Mega Sale" Birl
My Best Large Crown Samples
Some more Nice Large Crowns Samples
A few Small Crowns Samples
Companion T.R. King Sample Chips