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The Chip Board Archive 25

FOR SALE - LOTS of Keno Memorabilia

I have a collection of about 200 keno pay brochures from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s even some 2000’s (defunct games). I also have two keno hand cages (keno gooses) in pretty good shape.

I have bates stamps (used to dual-stamp tickets in brush games), a hand punch or two, a big bottle of keno ink, glycerin (with a pharmacy label)! Writers used to rub it on their hands for paper handling), a date/time perforation machine for draw blanks, spindles and some other items.
There is quite a bit more stuff. All must go. Write for information and make an offer if interested.

Write for Photos and an inventory spreadsheet documenting the pay brochures and their origins/game features.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg