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The Chip Board Archive 25

Re: That's not inconsistent
In Response To: That's not inconsistent ()

As someone who has read much about climate change, as well as listened to many talks on the "theory" over my decades as an Earth Scientist -- it is as you stated at this point just a "theory". The majority of those scientists that believe in the "theory" to be truth, are from 35 governmental groups. These groups are depend on their funding by governments, along with their respective university scientist. The majority of which lean heavily to the environmental activist groups side. Therefore, much of what you may read and hear in the mainstream media is bias in making the "theory" sound to the average Joe or Jane like it is fact. Ergo, 95% of climate scientists agree that the climate change is real and not still a "theory". As you say, yes polar ice is melting and sea levels are rising, but one should never under estimate our planet's ability to adapt to change over time. Only time will tell. As Tom Hanks said in the movie "Forrest Gump" "that's all I have to say about that". grin

Messages In This Thread

Global Warming Yea Ok !!!!!
NCR: I read where in 12 years..
We had snow in South Florida; late-70's ~~~
That's not inconsistent
Re: That's not inconsistent
Bottom line: No proof in any science. Math; yes.
I know a scientist who would disagree with you
Re: I know a scientist who would disagree with you
You would be very popular in some of my ~~~
I've met one or two myself... and ~~~
Re:Scientist disagree with other scientists
Global warm...err, Climate change
Re: Global warm...err, Climate change
Thank God for global warming or we would still be
Assuming we are warming?
A result of warming
Re: A result of warming
Excess hot air coming from...
NCR Polar Vortex Caused by Global Warming?
"Who are we supposed to believe?"

Copyright 2022 David Spragg