When I try "Socopoker" on eBay, all I get are solar lighting gadgets that look like they're made for holding over an anthill and giving red ants the hotfoot. Perhaps I'm missing hundreds of eBay listings in some manner.
Pete Donnelly - sounds familiar, perhaps I've seen you at chip shows as an exhibitor or a visitor.
Jerry - just want to politely remind you -- as a dealer, someday Pete might come up with just that One Thunderbird Item that you're looking for but with your stated intention of never buying from him, you will miss out on it. Why slam the door on him?
Yesterday morning, while waiting for my truck to be serviced at the dealership, I was watching TV (nothing else to do in the waiting room) and saw an ad extolling Xarelto, showing happy patients now "made healthy" by taking it. Not mentioned of course were the risks and lawsuits filed on behalf of people killed by this poison which can cause internal bleeding and strokes (same stuff as rat poison). Compared with this, Pete's eBay listings are lively amusement.