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The Chip Board Archive 25


The casino was open...just 1/2 cleared out and roped off. (This was the half with the table games and cashier cage). I was talking to the installers about the carpet installation....double glued commercial carpet (double glued meaning glue down a rubber tread ore type of pad...then glue the carpet to the pad) and then was talking to the boss. He said if I lived there....he would hire me. I asked for a piece of the carpet and he had one of the laborers grab a piece that was laying there. I was actually wanting a different piece that was there...but I wasn’t going to spoil my fortune by being greedy. So I took what I was given.....the entire time thinking....Michael Siskin would like this!!
**** My auto correct keeps correcting your name to spell sometimes slips past me. My apologies.

Messages In This Thread

Michael Sisken...Aruba
Good shots.
Thanks JB 😀
Wow!!! Great shots!
I was planning on
lol!! Sure, I'll take it! vbg
How did you get in there for those shots?
I told the installers that I was the inspector
No problem re: autocorrect
Re: No problem re: autocorrect
Wow, going the extra mile or ten

Copyright 2022 David Spragg