John, thank you X for that information * I had no idea Florida voters *** were so perplexed (WAHT DOES THIS WORD MEAN??) on votin' procedure. @@ We Californians know better how to deal with Propositions ++ just say NO to 'em all, and they pass!!
X Well, maybe I don't really mean to thank you. Need to think that over.
* Wait, what kind of information is it, again?
*** How do we know the people who cast ballots were authorized to vote? Maybe all those ballots in closets were cast by non-qualified persons. Yeah, that would explain it, wouldn't it? Stop the count!
@@ "Votin'" is improper English, so let's cancel the entire election.
++ Except propositions from lovely ladies on election nights.
!! No, this is just a mark of great excitement. Wait, is it too late to request another ballot and begin over again?