Soon, the SNCCC will be announcing it's annual, online fundraising auction (here on TheChipBoard). In advance of those postings, I am asking for help from the fine viewers here to kindly submit material, for the auction, to help bolster the SNCCC's War Chest. That War Chest has already made $800 in donations to the Museum of Gaming History, funded meeting night refreshments, and table space at the CCA Convention.
We are asking for material that is valued at a TCR "J" or better level or non-chips, yet gaming related material valued at $60 or higher.
Donors have the option to have all proceeds paid to the SNCCC or split the proceeds with the SNCCC on a 50/50 basis.
If you would like to submit anything to help bolster our auction, please email me at: or Auction Chair, Dale Horyna at:
Thank you,
Jim Follis
Secretary SNCCC