With potentially a $.75 tip per dog plus if she gets the profits that could be another $1.00 per dog she could be putting her kids thru Harvard.
I'd guess that the average customer purchases 2-3 hot dogs. 3 being the max allowed at one time.
2 dogs - $2.50 - 50 cent tip.
3 dogs - $3.75 - 25 cent tip.
Unfortunately, many (most) won't tip her at all, as lets face it..a lot 'cheap-a-skates' will be buying $1.25 tube steaks, instead of paying ten times that for a sammich 50 feet away at the Del Mar Deli.
And are there any profits on a buck twenty-five dirty water dog? And if there are, she certainly won't see a penny of it.
Maybe she will be able to put her kids through the Community College of Southern Nevada..ie. 'The Harvard of the West'..