I have received chips from many different people in all different ways. This method seems like a good way to cut cost but my only hang up is that there is no way to track the chips once you drop them in the mail. Without tracking eBay slams you on that aspect also so in order to keep the top rated seller status that some of us have earned we will be forced to provide tracking. I have also seen #000 bubble mailers that contain one chip pass as large envelopes which also only cost 1.00 to ship that way. The problem I continue to run into with that method is each postal employee reads the regulation on large envelops differently which can cause a headache for you and the buyer. The regulation on Large Envelops is that it can't be over 3/4 of inch think and even with a chip inside it is about 1/2 inch but depending on who is behind the counter they can hit you or your buyer with package price and you are doomed (been there and done that) also you can't track Large Envelopes so it is a no go.
I think postage is one of the biggest killer of this community I am always open for new ideas but in end we all just need to think about this. A gallon of gas cost over 2.50 and so if you don't want to pay 3.00 in shipping then you drive to the casino and tell me which one cost less.
Paul Schaffer