When I posted my complaint yesterday I had been told that I could not return the Dunes Faro chips and that the decision was final. I then contacted Potter & Potter president Gabe Fajuri.
To his credit Mr. Fajuri has been very responsive and he has allowed me to return the chips.
However he was very clear. While he admits that the catalog description was in error he insists that I had plenty of time to ask whatever questions I wanted and therefore P&P bears no responsibility. In my opinion a pretty crappy position for any seller to take much less a professional auction house. He also insists that the mold design is "very clear" in all the photos. Both the catalog and the follow up photo were in yesterday's message chain. One of us is delusional. The only clear photo is the one I took.
I think Mr. Fajuri thinks he's done me a favor and I should be grateful.
So I'm out about $25 mostly for round trip shipping. Is there a lesson for me? I don't think so other than not to get pushed around.