4/11/18 - Introduction http://www.thechipboard.com/index.cgi/page/1/md/read/id/1516744/sbj/thursday-s-millions-10-week-convention-countdown/
4/12/18 - 10 Weeks to Go Non-Flat items http://www.thechipboard.com/index.cgi/md/read/id/1516900/sbj/thursday-s-millions-convention-in-10-weeks/
4/19/18 - 9 Weeks to Go Postcards
4/26/18 - 8 Weeks to Go TBD
5/3/18 - 7 Weeks to Go TBD
5/10/18 - 6 Weeks to Go TBD
5/17/18 - 5 Weeks to Go TBD
5/24/18 - 4 Weeks to Go TBD
5/31/18 - 3 Weeks to Go TBD
6/7/18 - 2 Weeks to Go TBD
6/14/18 - 1 Week to Go TBD
6/21/18 - Convention!