Yes, we did go one day, resale shops, antique stores. For some reason I found the prices to be high for casino "stuff".
But I should know better, everything in those shops is over priced, I mean even old glassware and smalls locally. I laugh at depression glass which comes up by the set now, not the piece, and those investment going to be highly collectible Christmas Plates, $3 each, by the box full. Then you see them for $10 at the co-ops. I've been going to auctions locally which changed my whole view of what's collectible and the values.
One place had a huge trunk of chips, probably the whole rack from a casino (2004 for a reminder) wanted $$ per chip. Insane! Unless I'm wrong, a big box of chips should go for maybe 25c each, since there's no market or collectors value for thousands of common, obsolete chips.
Just to fill in, last trip to Las Vegas, we spent one afternoon running from Goodwill to Savers and little shops South. Really? (I did find a nice shirt) People go to Las Vegas and spend half a day at resale shops? Then we went the next day, extra time, North to North Las Vegas and Burger King, saw the underside of Las Vegas, close up.
I wonder what the going price is for a used shopping cart? All the stores North and West have the metal rods on the back, so you can't take them out the door.
The reason for the divergence from the Reno question is, we go out during the day, play and party and eat at night. Driving to Silver City, Carson City, Lake Tahoe, is perfect for our kind of fun. So are resale shops... One of the shops in Silver City used to have old casino chips at high but reasonable prices. Someone who is better at negotiations that I could probably find something worth buying.