I cannot find the newspaper clipping of the Nevada chip which sold for $30,000 plus, how many were there available for sale - may be only one found. Compare it to the other casinos in other areas who makes 5,000 each denominations now. With the Nevada chip as an example "one" commodity or product - chip and on the other side of the scale you have not one buyer only - most likely there were more than one or more but not more than the existing willing, pocket bulging with cash and cashier check from the Federal Reserve Bank, Washington DC - put yourself as one of the buyer - close your eyes and focus on the chip - knowing how much you have cash or otherwise how much are you willing to pay.
My Director of Fee Collection is right outside your door now. How much are you will to pay my bill man? This is the gist of the law of supply and demand.
It took me four yrs college, two yrs masters degree and a thesis and and 3 yrs PhD program and a dissertation.
From the Cebu City, Philippines to Fordham U, Bronx, New York, USA
Free of charge compliments from Google.