The only people who want slabbing are in this for the money. As a collector I don't need my chips slabbed. I don't need to pay for slabbing. I don't need artificial higher prices because someone paid to encased a chip in plastic.
Three groups want slabbing. 1) The slabbing companies. 2) Some dealers who will be able to sell the same chips for a higher price. 3) Buyers who are investors.
Who doesn't want encased chips and tokens? Most of us who collect as a hobby.
I saw what slabbing did to the coin market and collecting. Ruined it! Over grading is now common. Breaking out and re-grading is common. Prices went up because dealers paid for grading and slabbing and needed to recover the expense, also a graded coin sells for a higher price. It's all about money, profit and marketing. Maybe investors if there was interest, but the hobby suffers from a lack of interest. Slabbing will not create a new market and investors. Interest and entertainment will.
Slabbing is not about collecting.
ps I can put 100 chips into a clear box and store them. I can keep nice collections in albums, the size of books. Slabbed? Big bulky plastic capsules, expensive to store or ship. Unfriendly in so many ways.
I think you can get my opinion which is 100% no thanks. I'm happy with the way things are now.