This thread took on two different subjects.
Web site and rules for selling.
I was a member back in the day with a 3 digit membership number.
Went to several Conventions, volunteered, tried to spread the word when I could.
My background relative to these two subjects,
I was Intrenational Convention Chairman for the Jim Beam Bottle Collector clubs in 1977 in Louisville Ky.
We had over 1500 people from all over the world. Germany Australia for example.
I was a Computer person most of my life starting with punched cards and wiring boards to Programmer in several languages. I was installation manager in converting hospitals and worked all over the US.
First, I think David Spragg has done a beautiful job in maintaining this site for our group to communicate. I have made many dollars off this site by buying and selling. To me it is the easiest and most user friendly to get the feel of "Friends communicating with friends".
His work is totally under appreciated. I use to buy the limited edition chips just to support the effor.
What have many of you done positive to support the site with all the money you have made?
You can ask a question on any subject and usually get an answer.
Choppers helped me collect Makers Mark NFL Bottles back in early 2002.
Yes some update could be made and have. Some people know how to load 10 pictures at once, but have they taken the time to explain the steps?
Just maintaining the site takes a lot of work. Hours hours was and is spent in keeping spam off the site.
As for as Convention, I always felt the members were getting a free ride by not having a fee and putting most of the income on the shoulders of the dealers. That can't be the way anymore with declining sales.
I was always against the idea of a museum. How could this little club afford that. But I kept my mouth shut on the subject.
In 1977 1500 Jim Beam members in Convention attendance.
2017 Convention in Frankfort 90 in attendance.