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The Chip Board Archive 25

A ChipGuide "Update" fix ..

What use to happen ....
When someone clicks on the UPDATE button, it used to format an email to send to an admin using the email program installed on the user's PC. This did not work if you used a webmail program.

What happens now...
When someone clicks on the UPDATE button, the ChipGuide will now present a form to create the email and then send it an admin that covers the area. It will work for all users.

This is the proper way to get updated info to the admins that cover specific areas. When you post new info on the Bulletin Board that is meant for the ChipGuide, it is possible that an admin can miss the posting and we would never get to it.

Give it a try!!!

Have a GREAT day,
CG Webmaster

Messages In This Thread

A ChipGuide "Update" fix ..
A needed improvement! This will help...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg