The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 25

Do you have Convention Chip 3?

Here is the red/white/blue pie chip made for the third convention held with the ANA in Seattle. Here's the history of the Club Annual Meetings held with the ANA:

1988 - Cincinnati, OH at the ANA Convention - Organizational Meeting (July 23)
1989 - Pittsburgh, PA at the ANA Convention (August 12)
1990 - Seattle, WA at the ANA Convention (August 25)
1991 - Chicago, IL at the ANA Convention (August 17)
1992 - Orlando, FL at the ANA Convention (August 15)

If you'd like this one, it's $12 delivered in USA.

Also, a chance to get a chip with the A-Dash mold grin.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg