favor. This event happened maybe 10-12 years ago. I lived in Colo. at the time and went to Deadwood often. Picked up many chips from casinos and thrift shops. At the time I sold hundreds of chips on e-bay, didn't have a lot of chip knowledge at that time. I had listed a 5.00 chip from The Depot casino in Deadwood (closed 1999) I think asking 10.00, I get a e-mail from a wonderful club member, advising me the chip I was selling was a error chip, in fact considered the rarest chip known from Deadwood, It had 5.00 on one side and 25.00 on the other all were destroyed with only 3 known to escape. I deleted the e-bay listing, thanked the collector who advised error chip, kept the chip for 5 yrs. then sold it for 600.00-800.00 ( can't remember the exact price). But I sure would like to find the wonderful club member, name might ring a bell. This man should be the outstanding club member of the century. Thank you, Thank you, if you read this post and please e-mail me. Fred Lamb