I was like a Squid in a Candy Store! Don't have enough pixels in my camera to show each chip but here's a group shot.
Still, J. Eric made at least one error in his excitement. Can observant ChipBoarders spot it? (We predict an eBay auction soon.)
Thanks to all the dealers and traders who made this happen for me: Mike Spinetti and his lovely wife and assistant; John Kallman, Those Baby Rattlers Fred and Geri Hempel, David Spragg, Walt Dirzulaitis, Mr. Frog Pond, Steve Passalacqua, Reggie Gummer, Butch Reynolds, Armin Pfaender, Bob McColum, and George D for the surprise gift of the case to bring all the loot home in. Omigosh, that's a dangling participle!
Anyway, when I get stuff sorted out a bit more, perhaps I'll post a photo of the Most Exciting Finds.