It's been a rough week here in Delaware. My computer was attacked by the Ransom ware virus and I ended up losing all my data - documents, pictures, etc that were stored in the Verizon Cloud. The automatic backup after I was hit by the Ransom ware virus actually backed up ALL the corrupted files and basically wiped everything out - not good !!
I have some things on various discs that I may be able to replace on my computer. I had to get a complete cleaning of my computer and a new security and backup system installed on my computer. Lesson learned - do a periodic back up on an external drive of some sort and don't rely on the "Cloud" to protect your important data.
On top of the computer problems I experienced a T.I.A. (similar symptoms to stroke) incident on Tuesday morning which landed me in the Hospital for a day and a half. Good news is that all tests, ex-rays, EKG, CAT scan, MRI of the brain, Echo Cardiogram, Sonogram of arteries in my neck, assorted blood tests and cognitive tests and studies all came back showing NO damage to blood vessels in the brain, a strong heart and no impairment of my mental or physical abilities.
Some of my meds were changed but I was cleared to return to my normal activities. I have to be aware of possible future incidents but there may or may not be any. The T.I.A. was kind of a "blip" on the screen of life. Luckily my ultimate personal computer (my brain) seems not to have been affected and I did not lose any of my PERSONAL data - like I did on my desktop computer !!
I plan on being at the Chip Club meeting in Atlantic City this Sunday to see all my chip buddies - this should make me feel better !!
Take care,