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The Chip Board Archive 25

Ron, while that sounds like a good idea, how would

We handle shipping costs?

Not every bag will be worth more than $50.

If we sell them for $30 and then it costs $15-$20 to ship that means people may be paying $50 for a grab bag that may be worth less than that.

Next year we will look into other options and see if we can work something to allow those not attending to also participate.

Now I have no problem buying grab bags for people that want me to buy and ship to them.
However they would have to cover the costs and I can't make any guarantees that what they will receive will be values at more than what they paid.

All bags will be contain at least $30 value in items
Most bags will contain at least $50 value in items
Some bags will contain at least $100 value in items
Few bags will contain $150+ In items


Messages In This Thread

Extra! Important Announcement for the 2017 Raffle
Todays AWESOME donation to Convention Grab Bags
More from todays donation.....
With the format changing, do we have to attend to
Robert, unfortunately by changing to a grab bag
Robert, I may consider the raffle idea after all.
How Much will the Grab Bags be.
The Grab Bags will sell for $30 each but the bag
Doug Thanks for the reply
Hey Doug, why not auction them off?
Ron, while that sounds like a good idea, how would
Doug, did every raffle ticket = 1 winning bag?
Good points Ron. I am actually beginning to
That is unfortunate..
Thanks John. The raffle idea may not be dead just
So at this point and time
Gary, I will be accepting payment for raffle
Re: Extra! Important Announcement for the 2017 Raff
Dan, of it turns out that not enough tickets are

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