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The Chip Board Archive 25

What did the Rooster say when...

He crossed the road....New Chips at Cache Creek!!

** pic is horrible from poor lighting ***
First the cage cashier says not available today. I pointed at the big sign saying ..." Starting Saturday Feb 25th" ...oh...OK!?!?
I was able to only get 5 from the cage?? The guy said 5 per person max? I had never heard that before. I have been able to buy as many as I wanted every year. No...problem.
So I only have 2 avail...I'm keeping 1 and 2 I got for 2 other chippers.
Willing to trade!! Or Face + actual shipping. ($2.64?) Not looking to make any money off the deal...just doing my "good chipper" duties.

I encourage all chippers to do something nice for another person (chipper or not)

Messages In This Thread

What did the Rooster say when...
sending E-mail
Please see e-mail
All are gone....but. I will try to

Copyright 2022 David Spragg