A must-have for the Js Bond movie fan. Re: James Craig 2006 "Casino Royale" PRESSBOOK-CD combo. Only $50, DELIVERED to US addresses. Return privileges. You will be getting (all in mint condition) both of these:
¶ 68-page full-color, plus velvet-like cover, bound booklet. 11 x 8-1/2 inch glossy bound pages, just like a book. -- well worth the price alone.
¶ CD-ROM showing much info including 53 color photos.
In the old days PressBooks were black and white pages sent to the movie houses by the producers. They had ample articles and pictures of the stars, stories about the movie -- all to send to local newspapers for advertisements and printed stories about the movie and its stars -- like the pressbook for "Cincinnati Kid" which I am selling now on eBay:
The "Casino Royale" pressbook is in full color, large glossy thick pages. It has information and pictures about all the actors and characters, and the production, plot, and locations. It has an extensive list of all the credits. Return privileges.
"contents" of the CD-Rom (does not include DVD of the film):