Some of the more notable chips are listed below under the cities where they are located. The reference numbers for the chips are as listed in The Complete Guide to Colorado Chips, Tokens and Silver Strikes. The total number of pieces is 493 chips and tokens. Included are an additional 22 chips and tokens from various casinos and non casino entities .
Blackhawk casinos total 203 chips
Including Central Station $5 logo both side (1781), El Dorado $5(156), Gregory Street $1(48), Main Street Station $5(1035)
Cripple Creek casinos total 185 chips
Including Black Diamond $5 with Ace/jack(151), Cripple Creek Ore house $1(99), Ore House $5(66), Diamond Lil’s $5(22), Gold Rush $1(4), Wild Bills $5(91), Wild Horse $5(144), Silver Palace $5(70), Silver spur set (1,5,25)(1186), Aspen $25(1008), Black Diamond $25 Unum dia(2781), Black Diamond Unum no dia(1009).
Central City casinos total 83 chips
Including Famous Bonanza $5(1020), Grub Stake $5(1054), Harvey’s Crosby Car $25(2410), Miners pick $1(12), Miners Pick $5(34), Toll Gate $5(10), Teller House 45 120th anniv(104)
The price of $4100 would include shipping and insurance.
Cripple Creek
Central City