Just received my second order of coffee mugs. $14.95 + $3.85 shipping for a total of $18.80. You can buy it from me or from my eBay
CLICK here for my eBay https://www.ebay.com/sch/screwylouie/m.html?item=292257853387&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
This is a unique gift for yourself or a friend.
I have produced this unique custom made microwaveable coffee mug made with 18 different vintage casino chips From Lake Tahoe. The top row has chips from Monte Carlo, Cal-Neva, Gary’s, Wagon Wheel, Sahara Tahoe, Cal-Neva Biltmore, Nugget South Tahoe, Harvey’s and Riverboat. The bottom row has Tahoe Village, Stardust, Caesars Tahoe, Hyatt Lake Tahoe, Barney’s, Cal-Vada Lodge, Glass Crutch, Harrah’s and Kings Castle. Every chip shown is from my collection and the chip images are sharp.