Dear All My Fellow Chipp'n Chippers and their Families,
These are very troubling, horrible, unsafe, bad and terrorist times!
What can we do????
We can survive longer than the bad terrorist!
We can keep our heads on a swivel, be aware of our surroundings and most of all if we "see something bad, Say Something!"
We must survive!
Don't drive around too late at night.
Carry a small flashlight in your front pocket, keep it ready to bring out and shine in the bad guys faces.
The few seconds that they are blinded, U can kick, grab a chair, hit m or run away.
Get out of Harms Way!
Hawaii is a no CCW state.
If we were, I'd carry two guns!
Seriously....BE SAFE OUT THERE!
Don't be a victim!
Good Chippers are hard to find!
Sincerely and respectfully,