The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 24

I would like to express my take on the many recent

subjects, talked about on the chip board. But, I just can't express my opinion on these subjects, as I know some would be offended by my comments, so I will stay quite with our club members silent majority. This board used to be so much fun to read, great information, friendly posts, and not the current fighting, which certainty discourages new membership. I've been a member of our club for 15 years, had a lot of fun, and learned so much about chipping. Loved the many conventions I've attended, so many great chippers in the club. I just think now to much fighting on the chip board, which turns me off, maybe because I'll be 80 next year, and getting a little sensitive? Just sharing my feeling's. Maybe I should just stop reading the Chip Board. Wishing everyone the best.

Messages In This Thread

I would like to express my take on the many recent
I just did some math, Fred... vbg
Thanks John I will follow your advice, you have
Fred, Am I Missing Something?
Joel I can't disagree, I just didn't want to

Copyright 2022 David Spragg