You are right, he is his own enemy, particularly in this new "politically correct" country that we now own. Any experienced politician could have beaten Hillary relatively easy, actually practically all of them could have. They would have said whatever it took to make people happy!
But, Trump is not a politician, has never been, he can "insult" people easily, as he still says what he thinks because he has not learned how to filter his thoughts and words. And, almost anything he says gets converted into an "offense" to someone by our biased media anyway!
But, give him enough years in power and he will turn into a smooth talking politician, cold, collected and prepared, and, like his opponent, he will then also tell his big donors in "private", you have to have two faces, your private one and the one you show/say to the public. But he will get there and then, he will never again "offend" anyone, except for himself and his principles. Just like any other politician!.