this has been tried by the . Casino management -- or at least the right people in casino management -- don't really care about much of anything that won't put money in their pockets. For the most part, they're not going to do anything that doesn't enhance their bottom line. Several years ago, the club provided me with an extensive list of casino contacts and I spent hours upon hours trying to dredge up any type of interest from the casinos. Out of the over 40 casinos that I contacted that actually provided me with the courtesy of a response, only three showed any interest -- the Palms (because Gene made them pretend to be interested
), the South Point (because we had just held our first convention there) and the "M". The only one that followed through was the Palms. We asked if we could put up some indiscreet display (similar to the one that Rich shows) -- the answer was no. We asked if we could post flyers or other things in their employee lounges -- the answer was no. The El Cortez was kind enough to allow us to set a brochure holder right at the MOGH display...but really, that's it.
These ARE great ideas...if we can only get the casinos to agree, which has not happened. Maybe with all that the MOGH is doing with their displays and with the "preserving gaming history" angle, the casinos would be a little more receptive. I will tell you that it is frustrating and I gave up after a year of trying. I'm sure that Allan Anderson can also tell you how much time he has spent trying to make in-roads with casino management. It's tough.
Steve Bedo