Rich- Nice shots of Beatty and Goldfield. Looks like the Beatty Club is closed. I remember buying 25cent. $1 and $5 chips from Ray May years
ago. The games were closed and he said I could buy all I wanted but I would have to pay face. I only bought a few since I didn't know any other
collectors. This was probably in the earlier 70s. After that he destroyed the rest. I always liked the canopy out front. I think it was a bus stop
years ago.
Many of the wooden markers in the Goldfield cemetery are unreadable. Francis Howard is buried there-he ran the Wee Bottle Shop years ago.
Beverly Harrell (madam at the Cottontail) is buried just inside the front gate. Her gravestone is usually covered with loose change (presumably
old customers) Lots of history in that place.