Well said, mate.
Your points seem to break down into two types - points 1-4 seem to be suggestions for forum conduct, and points 5-6 seem to pertain to guiding/growing newer members. I certainly agree with your first four points, but being newer to these parts myself, the latter two resonate with me a little more.
For a hobby as visual as chipping, it surprises me that the group hasn't yet established a broader presence on Facebook and a well-established presence on Twitter and Instagram. It seems that Instagram in particular is ready-made for a Chip of the Day posting, and I'm nearly certain there are mods or other software API's that allow for cross-posting between platforms so that only a single action is necessary by the user to reach all three. Users are already posting chips of the day here on the boards, and that's fantastic! That's a simple-but-good way to remain active in the hobby and introduce some new chips to folks, or remind them of chips previously forgotten. A few extra moments doing the same on more publicly visible social media platforms, though, could have a positive impact on new membership.
As for a "New Folks - Click Here!" post or link...well, yes. That's something I looked for when I initially signed up, and would be a welcomed addition. Something like that can be done easily in more modern forum software, but that's a different discussion for a different day.