I have had a fabulous time at all 24 conventions. My 2 disappointments are not visiting with you at a Doug’s get together and not having you stop by my table to say hello, I look for you every year. It has been some time since I have seen you but fond memories of your detailed opinions dressed in army style fatigues delights me.
I might look at chip collection a little different than most people. I have never collected for profit, but a profit does give me more money to add to my collection. The size of the convention and where it is located could mean a lot too many but not to me. I still get excited about 3 months before the convention. The excitement builds every day until I arrive in your town. The excitement continues soon as I see the first chip collecting buddy. When I pick up my badge at the registration desk my enthusiasm runs wild. For me it is all about seeing friends, chips, stories old and new. I like every part of our convention. It starts with all the GREAT volunteers, what an event with no paid workers. There is so many fun functions to be involved in like the banquet dinner, interesting seminars, displays, tournaments, picking up chips in my wheelhouse that I have never seen, discussions with knowledgeable people (like you) and sharing drinks or a meal with friends of common interests. I think there will always be a chip collecting community (large or small) that enjoys the history and antiquity of gambling chips. I will still enjoy the convention even if it is 20 people in Doug’s room. As the club and chip collecting change I will adapt. Still having fun Steve.