.....I bought all the covers from 1 vendor. He wanted $2 each. I ended up getting 20 books for $30. I just tried to pick out the books that I thought were a little harder to come by. Or books that I haven't really seen before. He had some duplicates of a couple of the covers, so I picked out the covers in the best shape.
I did get 2 of the Sahara, Westerner, El Rancho and Last Frontier.
The Sahara .....(not in Chipguide)is not a feature match book, but I thought it might of been a first issue because of the Spynx.
The El Rancho Vegas .... The back is different than the Chip Guide.
The Santa Anita....I think the matchbook is more orange than red. The inside cover is also different than the one you submitted to the ChipGuide.