This brings to mind the guy that bought a Hyundai, switched out the motor, added every option imaginable and complained that for a couple of dollars more he could have bought a BMW.
If you buy a Hyundai, you're in it to save bucks. Si that's what you do.
If you fly Spirit, make sure free personal luggage is all you need (about 3 days of clothes). Make sure the flight is short enough that it doesn't matter where you sit. Lastly, bring a sandwich and buy a drink at the airport and bright both aboard.
If you want a particular seat, need a carry or would like a snack, use a major carrier. I fly from the east coast to the convention every year. I would never use Spirit for such a flight.
Spirit serves a purpose. I'll put up with a lot for a $46.20 round trip Atlanta to Atlantic City. I've done it 3 times this year. I know what I'm getting. I have no complaints.