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The Chip Board Archive 24

The Problem In America...

The problem facing Americans today is too much government. It has been proven over time that government is not and can not be the answer to every problem this great nation encounters. Historically, Americans are strong willed, independent and stand up to adversity when called upon to do what is right (not politically correct). The last eight years were offered as a time to make this country great, but as everyone knows, that theorem falls way short of center and teeters more toward divisiveness resulting in an economic structure that can only survive on continued infusion of government over every American's life. The liberal agenda has taken this great country to the brink of chaos, mistrust and stymied the principles our founding fathers declared were our unalienable rights of life, liberty and freedom. More government is not the answer but the problem as exampled in our current medical dilemma that is at almost collapsing proportions. Can you imagine government bureaucrats managing a person's health by continuing to enforce an Affordable Care Act that has become not so affordable, and just to the point that the burdens assessed each person in need outweigh the benefits received. Real growth in this country has been generated by private enterprise and small business that employed this nation's workforce unencumbered by unreasonable government regulations as written by non-elected government workers that protect their jobs while hurting any chance for these enterprises to grow and flourish in a "free market" situation and not throw up roadblocks along the way by continual interference from agencies like FTC, EPA, IRS, ACA, etc. that reach into every aspect of unnecessary and unwanted interference. As Ronald Reagan professed, the problem with America is not the Americans that live, work and enjoy being citizens, but the very government we have in place that can't be the answer to all educational, social and economic problems. The Washington, D.C. model is out of touch with America, and that style of government overreach trickles down to state and local governments as well. It's time for this country's citizens to be more active in the operation of our country by continuing the fight to limit these obtrusive invasions into everyone's lives. Vote regularly and often for what you believe to be right. Attend local school board, city council and court proceeding and see where all the decline has taken place in this last decade. And, take back all the rights granted by the Constitution that have been limited or taken away while we did nothing about them at the time. It's everyone's right to live in a country as patriotic and democratic as these United States, but it's also those same people's right to stand up and be counted when these rights are threatened. I love this country, my immigrant ancestors embraced this country's liberty, and I have put my life on the line to help protect everyone's rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Messages In This Thread

What the Hell is going on in America ????
I hear you Doug ??????????
Re: What the Hell is going on in America ????
I used to lean towards Cruz as I thought he would
This is what we get when we
The Problem In America...
This election is ALL about Supreme Court Judge
Luis, did you get my emails,good to hear your post
Exactly...! Voters need to understand this ~~~
100% correct!
Points well taken Luis.
So what I'm reading in this thread...
Re: So what I'm reading in this thread...
The right to own a gun....
Re: The right to own a gun....
Re: The right to own a gun....
Re: The right to own a gun....
God bless the USA and all our US Troops!
I've been advised, no matter who is...
Re: What the Hell is going on in America ????
Re: What the Hell is going on in America ????
Awww, you're just pissed because your car went off
..."people get the government they deserve"
Re: ..."people get the government they deserve"
You Might Want to Start Packing Your Bags..
Re: You Might Want to Start Packing Your Bags..

Copyright 2022 David Spragg