My question is? are the sm circle Sky--- chips from the Great Falls Sky Line like the diamond mold chips? and I found this Matchbook with SkyLine Club on them,but its is from billings Montana,maybe not anything to do with either chip but had the stars on it like the Sky--- chips so got it to see if any match? I know they call Montana big sky country so makes it even harder to put a home to these sm circle chips,because it would be to easy to say they are without any real proof,but maybe.Any thoughts or knowledge on any of these chips or leads would be of help.Now there is a chip with Flamingo Club on the other side in a sm circle design with the same Sky--- on the other side? So there have been thoughts that it could be Colbrandt's Flamingo related? I'm not so sure that the maker might have been testing these clubs on one chip? Anyway here are some real cool chips with only the 3 known to be from, supposedly Great Falls,Montana.Thank you,Torrey