The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 24

AUCTION 4 TheChipBoard from Steve & Thomas vbg

I will DOUBLE the winning bid up to $25. ALL $ for TheChipBoard. Make me PAY vbg

Auction for the chip board. All money from this auction will go to David Spragg for running this cOoL board.


The current winner of WIN this CHIP, Thomas Hill would like to donate his win back to me for the ongoing costs of my contests. Thank you Thomas. I am adding all four chips from the last chip choices to this eBay auction for the CHIPBOARD. I will send the total winning bid to David after the winner pays. NOW anyone has a chance to get these chips, you do not have to be a club member to bid.

Having fun Steve & Thomas

Messages In This Thread

AUCTION 4 TheChipBoard from Steve & Thomas vbg
I will DOUBLE the winning bid up to $25
Steve What did they sell for? Tom
Hello Steve, what did they $ for

Copyright 2022 David Spragg