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The Chip Board Archive 24

The Chip Rack #17

Attention Jay Sands, David Sarles, & David Spragg. This morning I pulled my Last Frontier & Thunderbird Las Vegas Chips out to compare price in TCR #16 with TCR #17. I for one put the issue year on chip holders along with description. I noticed that 4 of the Last Frontier chips and 38 of the Thunderbird chips issue dates had changed. That put up a red flag for me. For the following chips first year is TCR #16 / Second year is TCR #17. Last Frontier N1654 1951/1962, N1671 1948/1959, N1653 1948/1959, N1650 1948/1959. The last frontier closed in 1955 so the 1962 & 1959 years listed in TCR #17 do not make sense to me. Moving on to Thunderbird chips N3726 1964/1967, N2248 1973/1972, N2249 1973/1972, V5772 1964/1962, N2246 1973/1972, N4301 1973/1972, and all 32 of the $1.00 business card chips from Anselmo to Yip 1964 / 1962. Now can someone verify all these changes I have listed above in TCR #17 for these chips are accurate. None of the TCR #17 issue dates for these chips match Chip Guide issue dates. If you use TCR #16 issue dates they do match Chip Guide issue dates. Are all these changes wrong ? A little help here would be appreciated. I have a few other Las Vegas casinos I collect and will be looking over any changes I find from TCR #16 and TCR #17 for those casinos in the next few weeks.

Messages In This Thread

The Chip Rack #17
The changes in Chip Rack 17 are all correct
Re: The changes in Chip Rack 17 are all correct
Re: The changes in Chip Rack 17 are all correct
Re: The changes in Chip Rack 17 are all correct

Copyright 2022 David Spragg