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The Chip Board Archive 24

I did a PowerPoint presentation

a few years ago at our library for a small group of people. I was the club's membership officer at the time & had some back issues of the club's magazine to give away. I also had some cool items that were sent to me for "show & tell"...and gave away some chips & tokens. Contact Richard Huber at to see if he has any extra magazines and to ask him to send you a handful of the tri-fold membership applications. If he doesn't have any extra magazines, you might want to contact Roy Nelson at to see if he has any extras to send. A warning though -- if Roy sends you the real old magazines, the membership info (how much it costs & whom to contact) is NOT correct. grin

Good luck & enjoy.

Steve Bedo

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update on presentation at library
Re: update on presentation at library
I did a PowerPoint presentation
Re: update on presentation at library

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