While in Ely last month before the convention, I spoke with the GM of the Hotel Nevada, Mr. Drew Skeen, about the Classic Car Series chips available there. It appears they ordered too many for a small town gambling hall, and still have several score left. Unlike the chips used at the tables, these are sold over the counter as souvenirs. Until they are gone, there are no immediate plans to order a second issue.
Mr. Skeen indicated that, although he is not keen on taking orders for individual chips over the phone or by mail, he would entertain requests for ten (10) or more chips ordered at once. Of course, they would be sold at face, and postage would have to be added.
So... if you are interested in stocking up on these chips, you might inquire of them at 775-289-3853, or write to them at 501 Aultman St., Ely, NV 89301.