of those that were protesting against them....... Sadddddddd
I am sure our Commander in Chief's previous day's elegant discourse had nothing to do with the killings....It was all coincidence....his strong arguments of police racism and skewed conclusion of half facts on % of blacks & Latinos killed, jailed, etc had nothing to do with this.............. I am sure that the non-educated feeble minded thugs in this country did not take this as a green light to attack the "new" enemies of blacks, the cops..... in fact, I am sure that once we catch the guys that did this and confiscate their weapons we will sure find out that it was not really the sniper's fault and it had nothing to do with cops...it was really all about Gun Control! Sad day...
I love this country, always have, even before I moved here as a very young man. I used to admire what I did not have, true freedom (speech & press), impartial press, even Presidents were impeached when committing an act considered unlawful, little corruption, freedom of Religion, sound economy with very little debt, welfare only for those that truly needed, Government incentives for the poor to work, not to stay out of work. A population that was proud to say: I do not need Government's help, that is why I work. The american dream, the respect for the Law, the respect for all laws, the respect for our biggest law, our Constitution.
But, I have to say, at this point after the "Change", and "the most transparent Government in history" and the events of the last few days...Hillary and 5 dead cops........... I can almost cry....because this country, my beloved country, the one many had always taken for granted, is starting to look more and more like the old country I came running from!