The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 24

Some go back to 1997 ~~~

~~~ though rarely get responses.

It's the old early-1990s ads in magazines and collector books that still generate activity worldwide... along with my 25+ year-old flyers and business cards in French antique shops; and librarian help here in US.

Messages In This Thread

After 25-years I closed my Loxahatchee PO box.
Re: After 25-years I closed my Loxahatchee PO box.
Sorry, Me Bad, this is for Jerry Birl..
Recently closed my Sun Valley PO Box too!
Haha.... Good one. grin
paying for a medium box
Just saw one of your UseNet News posts...
Some go back to 1997 ~~~
Try "Mail Box, etc." they pickup your....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg