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The Chip Board Archive 24

ccgtcc Convention Volunteers STILL Needed!

I'm happy to report that all of the 1.5/2/3 hour volunteer blocks have been successfully filled. Thank you to EVERYONE for stepping up and volunteering their time to make this the best convention ever.

HOWEVER, we do still need a few more people to help with set-up and tear-down. If you're not doing anything on Wednesday before the show opens OR Saturday after the show closes at 4 PM, we could really use your help. Please email me at if you are interested in pitching in. MANY hands make a light load for all.

Here is the updated schedule:
PDF Version:

I believe I've touched base with most BUT if you are scheduled for the first shift of the day each morning we really need you to show up a little earlier at 9 AM as the floor opens for all the pre-registered members at 9 AM and NOT 9:30 or 10AM as you may have been initially scheduled.

Thank you,

Convention Volunteer Coordinator

Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc Convention Volunteers STILL Needed!
Seriously! Volunteer for something!
Real men volunteer ( lots of fun)

Copyright 2022 David Spragg