The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 24

Extra! Club Auction Update Extra!

It is coming towards the latest time I can guarantee to process bids for the Club Auction. Any bids received after this coming Wednesday will only be processed if I am able.
You can of course also place bids on the show floor during the day on Thursday or at the live auction itself that same evening. Remember that the silent auction ends at 4pm Thursday on the show floor.
And anyone wanting bids proxyed at the live auction can see me at the show on Thursday.

Not enough bids received so far. That needs to change. grin
In particular, there are 76 of the 200 items that are donations. That means the club gets 100% of the proceeds. This is a very important factor given that the auction is the single biggest 'fundraiser' the club has. What's more, some of these lots are pretty valuable, they all start at just $5, and only a couple of them have an opening bid!
Remember that for the first 20 lots, which comprise the silent auction, bidding ends at 4pm on the show floor, so you can't bid on these in the live auction.

Instructions on bidding etc. and link to view download the catalog are here:


Copyright 2022 David Spragg