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The Chip Board Archive 24

Re: Scoreboard Lounge, Spring Creek.

Aloha John,
It'll be awesome and fun to see U at the convention!!!
And to see your new healthy look!
Curt and I have our same location show table.
Please come by and chip chat with us.
Again, it was super to see you at Mark Britton's Cleveland, OHIO Casino Show.
The weather was perfect.
The hot pastrami on rye from Slyman's was ono....(delicious!).

Messages In This Thread

Scoreboard Lounge, Spring Creek.
I Need One As Well....
Re: Scoreboard Lounge, Spring Creek.
Hamm how bout a spam musubi ???
Are they new? I have one ($1) on consignment...
Strange that the $1 chip says Stockman's and...
Yep, that chip is an error.
I believe the answer is more like...
That's really what I meant
Re:Thats an old one Jim. New racks not out yet
Re: I'm working on getting some...
Larry, do you know the release date (approx.)?
Re: Larry, do you know the release date (approx.)?
Interesting that I have a chip!...
Re: Interesting that I have a chip!...
Re: Interesting that I have a chip!...
Re: Interesting that I have a chip!...
Thank you Larry!!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg