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The Chip Board Archive 24

John....I just got home

From Aruba yesterday. Those chips were not on the tables. The current chips are ....

I did see the $.25 purple that they use for $.50 crap game. I was very hard to get any because they are using them right out of the rack. They have a game between 6-8 nightly, but no one was really playing it. I was the only one until Friday night. They make you cash in at the table. I was able to get 2 of them....but felt like I was being watched throughout the casino until I left. I felt like when I walked out the door, I was going to get tackled or something. 😎 (Over 50 cents) they are

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for trade Aruba Roulettes (Alhambra) for trade
John....I just got home
Re: John....I just got home
Re: John....I just got home

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